Saturday, March 2, 2019

Crime patterns Essay

Short Answer Questions1) What do sociologists hold still for when they describe deviance as being relation? Provide an sheath of a deviate behavior and identify how it is coitus. Deviance is relative because of a number of factors. These factors include location, age, social status, and individual societies that do not correct to social norms. Deviance deals with situations in everyday life and that is what makes deviance relative to sociologists. An example of this type of behavior is A someone speaking out loud during a church service would probably be considered abnormal, whereas a person speaking loudly at a party would not. Society chiefly regards taking the life of another person to be a deviant act, but during wartime, killing another person is not considered deviant (, 2014). This is relative because it is relating to the persons involved in the situation and their surroundings.2) What are deviant places, and how are they associated with deviant acts? Deviant places are places that sustain deviant acts. These could be old buildings, innocent neighborhoods, or largely-populated areas. These places create certain stresses and could cause these behaviors. For example areas with a accord of poverty are usually areas with the highest crime rate. This stress leads to stealing, drugs, etc. ,3) Sociologists power point the importance of contextual and social patterns for deviant acts such as abuse, murder, and rape. take away from abuse, murder, and rape, and then detail an important social pattern or variation. 4) correspond and contrast two different types of suicide, providing an example of each.EssayWhat are the unsounded differences between the biological, psychological, and sociological theories of deviance? Choose a sociological system from your readings and provide a summary of its important ideas and concepts. Then choose a deviant act and utilize the theory to explain why citizenry engage in such behaviors.

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